IRODDI aims to develop new biobased products using Free Fatty Acids (FFAs) contained in the residual side streams of the refining process of oils and fats, as well as develop innovative technologies for isolation of valuable minor compounds contained in them using softer operational conditions
In the last steps of the refining process of oils and fats, compounds that are responsible for the odor, color, and unacceptable flavor in oil are removed

IRODDI will take advantage of those side streams called deodorization distillates (DODs)
Due to the conditions of the distillation process, some fractions of important minor components are also separated

IRODDI will develop soft greener processes to extract high-value compounds contained in DODs
Valuable compounds such as tocopherols, tocotrienols, phytosterols, and free esterified, hydrocarbons such as squalene, plus mono- and diglycerides, FFAs, and triglycerides are found in the DODs

IRODDI will demonstrate the applicability of the bioproducts obtained: food-grade detergents (surfactants), biolubricants (base-oils), adhesives (polyols), and cosmetics (squalene)
Contribute to moving to a bio-refinery based sustainable model, close loops with circular bioeconomy, maximize the efficient use of available resources
Demonstration of the applicability of these bioproducts in different industrial sectors to contribute -through the bioeconomy- to a sustainable and circular EU by replacing fossil-based materials for bio-based alternatives
IRODDI’s team is composed of highly complementary partners spread around Europe